What to Do If Someone is Foaming From The Mouth When High

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Foaming from the mouth while high can be a concerning symptom, indicating a potential medical emergency. If you notice someone is foaming from the mouth after using drugs, there are steps you can take to help them. Immediate action is necessary to ensure the person’s safety.

Why Foaming from the Mouth While High Can Occur

Foaming at the mouth can occur due to various substances, including stimulants, hallucinogens, or opioids. It might indicate seizures, overdose, severe intoxication, or other serious reactions.

What to Do If Someone is Foaming From the Mouth When High


What to Do If Someone is Foaming from the Mouth

  1. Call Emergency Services: Dial emergency services immediately if someone is foaming at the mouth. Provide details about the situation and the substances involved if known.
  2. Ensure Safety: Keep the person away from harmful objects or environments. Place them in a safe position, such as lying on their side, to prevent choking.
  3. Monitor Breathing: Check if the person is breathing regularly. If they stop breathing, begin CPR if trained and continue until help arrives.
  4. Do Not Restrain: Avoid holding the person down or restraining them during a seizure or convulsion. This can lead to injury.
  5. Do Not Put Anything in Their Mouth: Do not attempt to insert objects into the person’s mouth, as this can cause choking or injury.

Once medical professionals arrive, follow their instructions and provide any additional information about the person’s condition or substance use. Continued medical evaluation will be necessary to address the underlying issues.

Addressing Addiction and Seeking Support 

Experiencing or witnessing severe reactions from substance use highlights the need for professional treatment and support. Addressing addiction through structured drug rehab programs is crucial for preventing dangerous situations and achieving long-term recovery.

Ray Recovery is a drug rehab that offers substance abuse treatment programs on flexible outpatient schedules. Our programs are customized to each client to deliver effective care. Contact our compassionate team today to learn more about our programs and how we can help you or a loved one on the journey to recovery.