How Is Cocaine Addiction Treated?

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While many people think of cocaine as a harmless “party drug,” it actually poses a high risk of addiction and abuse. A potent stimulant, it can seriously upset the nervous system and cause even more problems when paired with other addictive substances like alcohol. If you or someone you care about could use cocaine addiction treatment in Ohio, call Ray Recovery at 888.598.6299. Our Hudson-based facility can help with cocaine recovery and other substance abuse and mental health treatment. Contact us today if you’re wondering how cocaine addiction is treated or have additional questions about our programs and services.

How Do I Know If I Could Use Cocaine Addiction Treatment?

Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant derived from coca plant leaves, which produces euphoria and increased energy in those who use it. Taken in a variety of ways, including orally, intravenously, or by inhalation, it produces effects quickly but does not last for long. This often leads people who use it to take multiple doses over the course of a single day or night to keep their high going.

With habitual use, cocaine can change the physical structure of the brain by repeatedly flooding the reward system and instituting chemical dependency. This means those dependent can no longer regulate their brain chemistry and feel happy or even stable without ongoing cocaine use. The good news is that this dependence can be broken with proper care, but if you or a loved one is displaying any of the following symptoms of cocaine addiction, it’s a good idea to seek help right away:

  • Acute paranoia, anxiety, or agitation
  • Breaks from reality in the form of hallucinations or delusions
  • Extreme anger or violent thoughts
  • The expression of these thoughts in the form of violent behavior toward yourself or others
  • Poor decision-making and impulse control that can lead to major setbacks at work, school, or in primary relationships
  • Dishonest behavior like hiding drug use or stealing
  • Extreme talkativeness
  • Loss of interest in activities not directly related to acquiring and taking cocaine, including activities that previously brought significant satisfaction
  • Physiological symptoms like extreme weight loss, hoarseness, runny nose, nose bleeds, dilated pupils, and constriction of blood vessels near the brain and heart

What Strategies Are Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction?

While there is not yet an approved medicinal approach for treating cocaine addiction, some treatments are under development and may be effective in the future. For the present, clinical detox followed by individual and group therapy remains the gold standard. As a first step, a client planning to get free from cocaine dependence would go through an assessment with a provider. This interviewing and information-gathering phase helps the provider and/or treatment center understand the nature and extent of the client’s addiction and take stock of any co-occurring mental health concerns.

Following this, the client’s treatment can begin with detox or monitored withdrawal in a treatment hospital, which allows them a much greater chance of successfully avoiding relapse during the first high-risk days of acute withdrawal symptoms. Providers can not only ensure a contained, drug-free environment but also monitor clients’ vital signs and tend to their hydration and nutritional needs.

One-on-one counseling is vital following detox as it provides clients agency in taking back the reins of their lives. Cognitive-behavioral approaches can be effective in teaching clients to reframe the negative self-talk or emotions that may have prompted them to use cocaine in the first place. Approaches that utilize the client’s already active neurological reward circuitry are also especially helpful in treating cocaine abuse. Contingency management, aka motivational incentives, work especially well since they reward clients for negative drug tests with vouchers or prizes, thus conditioning them to value a healthy reward instead of the damaging “reward” of a cocaine high.

Get Help for Cocaine Use Disorder at Ray Recovery in Hudson, OH

Call Ray Recovery at 888.598.6299 or fill out our confidential online form to start getting help with cocaine addiction recovery. Our caring team is standing by to assist you with questions, referrals, and intake procedures. Remember that you’re not alone in struggling with cocaine use disorder. Rather, you are in good company, and your choice to get sober is not only commendable but very achievable, given quality support.