What Are The Signs of Fentanyl Addiction?

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Synthetic opioids like fentanyl are among the most addictive drugs that doctors prescribe for pain management today. What’s more, many people obtain fentanyl through illegal means. Sadly, in these cases, the drug is even more dangerous since it may be mixed with any number of other addictive substances like heroin or MDMA. This simply increases the risk that the person using the drug will overdose. Whatever the initial exposure, there really is no safe amount of the drug, and if you or a loved one is showing fentanyl addiction signs, it’s vital to get help right away.

For substance abuse treatment, including fentanyl addiction treatment, in Hudson, OH, contact Ray Recovery today. Our knowledgeable team is standing by to get you the resources you need for an empowered healing journey.

Signs of Fentanyl Addiction

Before examining the signs of fentanyl addiction, it bears mentioning that this opioid is as dangerous as it is because of its sheer potency. Fentanyl is many orders of magnitude more potent than the original, poppy-derived opioids that predate it, such as heroin and morphine. Those who take it thus receive an enormous hit of brain-altering chemicals even when they only use it briefly.

All opioids can rapidly create tolerance, meaning those who use them need increasing quantities to achieve the same effect. It is this quality, along with the fact that opioids act on the brain in such a way that it becomes unable to self-regulate without them, that gives the drugs a very high addiction potential. Moreover, as central nervous system depressants, they can slow down heart rate and respiration to a tremendous degree, accounting for the many fatalities due to opioid overdose.

Here are a few signs that a fentanyl addiction may be present:

  • Difficulty speaking clearly, dizziness, and discoordination in movements
  • Severe withdrawal symptoms like vomiting, bone pain, cold flashes, and diarrhea that set in just hours after your last use
  • Decline in performance at work, school, or in relationships and social activities
  • Financial troubles triggered by purchasing fentanyl or other drugs illegally
  • Fatigue or a tendency to doze off at inappropriate moments
  • Gastrointestinal distress, including constipation and vomiting
  • Intense drug cravings that can trigger desperate or dishonest behavior in order to obtain the next hit
  • Swelling in the body’s extremities

If you or a loved one are struggling with signs of fentanyl addiction, please seek professional treatment. Ray Recovery can provide a ray of hope for those caught in the cycle of addiction.

What Happens in a Fentanyl Addiction Rehab Program?

To begin fentanyl addiction recovery, clients need to undergo medical detox to ensure safety and as little discomfort as possible. In this process, they might receive medications like methadone, buprenorphine, or naltrexone. Caregivers also monitor clients’ vitals, administer fluids, and, in general, try to ensure they are as comfortable as possible while their bodies break free from chemical dependence on fentanyl.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often useful following detox because it teaches clients self-regulation skills. CBT also teaches cognitive reframing for negative thoughts and emotions that trigger drug use. Other therapeutic styles, like dialectical behavior therapy, can also be helpful since these teach mindfulness. This refers to the ability to tolerate unpleasant internal sensations without acting out self-defeating behaviors.

Group therapy is also an excellent choice for clients in fentanyl addiction treatment. Offerings like 12-step programs or other support groups can cultivate judgment-free sharing, accountability, and regular check-ins. Similarly, holistic interventions like music therapy and yoga provide healthy stress-reduction strategies with a social component.

Learn More About Fentanyl Addiction Symptoms and Treatment at Ray Recovery

Don’t let hazardous opioids like fentanyl dominate your life. Instead, get help for addiction recovery today by calling Ray Recovery at 888.598.6299 or reaching us online. We’re standing by to help you and your loved ones get the best support possible by beginning the treatment journey today.