What Is an Example of Meditative Therapy?

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In addiction recovery, a holistic approach that incorporates mindfulness often provides the best outcomes. Meditative therapy treatment is one of the most powerful ways to include mindfulness in rehab. At Ray Recovery, we offer various meditation options to help our clients succeed long-term. To learn more about our Ohio center and examples of meditative therapy, call 888.598.6299.

What Are Examples of Meditation Therapy?

Meditation therapy can take many forms, but most focus on relaxed present-moment awareness. When you’re struggling with addiction, it can be all too easy to get drawn into unhappiness over the past. It can also be easy to worry excessively about the future. Meditation can be a powerful measure for returning energy and focus to the heart and now. A few key examples of meditation therapy include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with a mindfulness focus – Here, clients focus on the usual CBT goal of shifting negative self-talk. They learn to increase their focus on the here and now as a grounding point for this inner change. For example, a client might practice mindful breathing techniques to assist in releasing or reframing negative thoughts when they arise.
  • Mindful stress reduction – In this form, clients learn specific stress-reduction techniques based on returning to present moment awareness. For example, they may be encouraged to gather sensory data. One possible exercise could be naming several items they can see, hear, or touch in any given moment of agitation.
  • Guided meditation – This popular technique hinges on the counselor or therapist verbally leading the client through a visualization. Often, guided meditation focuses on relaxation or affirmation. The wording or prompts counselors use frequently include instructions to practice restful consciousness of breath or other bodily sensations.
  • Somatic work – Somatic, or physical movement-based, practices are inherently mindful. This is because the body always exists in the present moment and provides dynamic feedback. Through techniques like yoga, tai chi, chi gong, and dance, clients can access powerful nervous system regulation. This can help them better manage everything from cravings to trauma flashbacks.

How Does Meditative Therapy Help Substance Use Clients?

Just as there are multiple forms of meditative therapy, there are a multitude of potential benefits. Firstly, meditative therapy yields a physical payoff. Through practices like yoga and tai chi, clients gain greater flexibility, strength, and heart health. Less active meditation techniques like seated practices can yield health benefits as well. Simply by cultivating a relaxed mindset, clients can shift their brainwaves and neurochemistry measurably. In this way, they can reduce their risk for stress-related physical issues like high blood pressure and hypertension.

On the level of addiction psychology, meditative therapy is helpful because it gives clients concrete skills for self-management. This is vital in the face of cravings, low mood, and triggers to relapse, which inevitably surface in early recovery. Meditation also greatly supports healthy sleep, a factor vital to both mental and physical recovery from addiction and other diseases.

Finally, meditation can be supportive in mental illness treatment. In many cases of addiction, an underlying mental illness such as major depression or PTSD may be present. Meditation creates tremendous mental flexibility and resilience and gives clients coping mechanisms they can access whenever needed. While there’s no substitute for counseling and medication when needed, meditation is an invaluable addition to many mental health treatments.

Connect with the Team at Ray Recovery Today to Learn More About Meditative Therapy

Don’t wait to seek the support you or your loved one could use in the addiction recovery process. While it can be tough to take the first step, the caring Ray Recovery team is here to help. Call 888.598.6299 or reach out online for more information about addiction recovery, meditative therapy, and more of our evidence-based services.